- The image shows a lesson to attract a younger audience
- The writing is difficult to see as it is in italics and not that bold
- It is set out so people know where to read next
Monday, 31 October 2016
Research: DPS 3
How this as influenced my planning and creativity
Planning: Star Image
For my DPS and front cover my feature star will be Indya Magrath with her clarinet.
I will use this mage for my front cover. I will use this because it is all about capturing a younger audience and if they see a girl the same age as them having fun then they are more likely to get engaged with the magazine. Also more females will get involved because Jazz has always seemed more male dominated.
I decided to use this photo on my contents page as it shows a more serious side. It is an image that stands out and will capture peoples eyes. It also goes against a stereo typical Jazz player. They are seen as scruffy, haven't got a care in the world men but as time has progressed I feel this image shows that it is no all males and that it is a smart genre of music.
The look I am trying to achieve is a modern look that re-presents the change in time with regards to the role of men. I am also trying to get the point across that Jazz is a flexible genre that appeals to everyone.
People will think that Indya is an upper class, rich girl who is into Jazz. Also that she is serious about music and that she has fun doing it. They will also think that she is smart.
I will use studio based photos with different backgrounds and take shots of a jazz band during rehearsal.
The images will attract a target audience of 16- 21. This is because I am using a young model. Younger people will look at her and think that they can do what she does. Also she will stand out on the background.
This shows that Dyers theory "stars are just an image created" is true. I have created an image for my star which has synergy with the genre and magazine. Star don't have a say as it is there managers/ stylists that decide what they where to fit the type of genre they are trying to create.
For my front cover I am going to use one photo of my picture star that uses the space of the entire page. My star will be wearing a white button up shirt, smart black trousers and nude heels. I will take a side shot of her laughing and looking over her shoulder, holding the clarinet.
For my contents page I will use several images. I will use one of the North Lincolnshire Music Centre Jazz band in rehearsal, one of all three instruments and one of each of my stars. My stars will be in either casual or smart clothing appropriate for the genre.
Finally my DPS will include one full length image of my feature star and maybe one more of her at a mid length shot.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Research: Locations
This background uses synergy between the artist costumes, guitar and the text. There are all orange, black and brown. The background is good for the genre because acoustic music reminds you of live lounges of artist singing live acoustic versions of their songs.This photo was shot during a rock concert. You can tell this because of the type of clothes they are wearing and the typical rock band layout. For example there are two guitars a drum kit plus other members of the band. A rock band image would not be taken in the middle of a field in smart jeans and a shirt. This is how the image sticks to conventions of the genre.
The location goes hand in hand with what the article is about. The pull quote say "This is who I am". this suggests that the artist is protesting against discrimination to Transgender and gender specific roles. This could be to do with some discrimination against the particular artist on something like social media. The location gives us the impression that Transgender people are forced to live on the streets as no one will rent accommodation to them or they have been forced out of their family homes.
The location is set in a winters wonderland. It includes forests with white snow glistening on the ground. There is a lot of synergy used in this DPS such as the pale skin of the artist against the snow covered background, the snowy background and the faded corners of the masthead and the artists clothing colour against the outside scene. This links to the genre as he has written an acoustic song an is sat in the window of his mountain lodge which is where he goes to write his music.
The large picture is based in Tennessee. This is her home state. Due to Tennessee being a southern state, typical stereo types of this are cowboys, westerns and country music. In the top left on the second page there is a picture of Dolly Parton on stage. There are iconic signs between the genre and the picture because a banjo and a tasselled jacket are associated with country music.
Research: TA 1
To decide what font I want to use for my masthead I chose 4 names and typed them into a program called 1001 free fonts. The mastheads were Speak easy, Be Sharp, Jazz Days and Jazz scale.
These are the two fonts I chose to put on my target audience survey. I chose these because Jazz as a genre is rough and edgy and has a dark background due to segregation in America. When I surveyed 20 people 4 went for the Double Scratch font and 16 went for the A Bite font.
Friday, 21 October 2016
Research: DPS 2
How has this influenced my creativity and planning
- There is only one paragraph used for the article itself. I will use two of three.
- I will make sure there is synergy between all of my pages.
- I like the pull quote that is used as the title
Planning: Masthead
I entered my chosen masthead into the program 1001 free fonts and managed to pick one for my masthead.
The fonts are the two I have chosen.
During the decision process i had to pick between four Mastheads.
The fonts are the two I have chosen.
During the decision process i had to pick between four Mastheads.
- B flat Jazz
- Speak Easy
- Jazz Scale
- Jazz days
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Planning- initial ideas for photographs for: front cover, contents and DPS
Final Ideas:
Front Cover
My first idea is that I want to create a Jazz Magazine for the next generation of Jazz musicians as there is a large gap in the market for Jazz. I want it to appeal to young musicians who play a Jazz instrument (Clarinet, Trumpet, Saxophone, Percussion). My first front cover idea is that I am going to use three separate pictures of my three models spread on the page. They are each going to hold a Clarinet, Trumpet and a Saxophone. They are also going to be dressed in different clothes, One model is going to be wearing casual cloths (jeans and a hoodie), one is gong to wear smart, concert clothes (black shirt and trousers) and my feature model is going to wear both smart and casual clothes. They are all going to be stood in front of different backgrounds but I soon realised how hard this was.
For the text I am going to use serif. This makes it look fancy and classy and also appeals to my audience. I will include 3 cover stories and one feature and also a pull quote so it makes the reader want to pick up my magazine and turn to the page of that particular story. I will also include sub headings for my cover stories. The colour scheme of my magazine will be gold, grey and black.
For the contents page I will include page numbers so that the reader can easily access an article they want. I will also include two photos of each of my models and the feature story picture will be slightly bigger than the others. My contents will include a list of all the articles in my magazine. I will use serif text for the titles of the articles and then sans serif for the blurb. For the colour scheme I will use synergy between my front cover and my contents and use gold, black and grey. This shows that it is classy and elegant.
My DPS story will be about Indya and a new set of albums which she is bringing out in the next year. It will feature some background on the album as well as some feedback from the recording studio and much more. A full page will be taken up by a full length shot of her.
Model/ Stars
My Stars are going to be Kacie Rickells, Ryan Frankish and Indya Conway. I am going to use Kacie because she is a saxophonist so she can promote her and her instrument. I am going to use Ryan because he has the model look and makes a great trumpeter. I am going to use Indya because I liked how professional she can make the picture look.
For Indya, her first costume will be her casual costume (Blouse and navy jeans). Her second costume will be a smart concert look (Black shirt and trousers). For her makeup, I will use a natural look with a smoky eye look. This is because it will make her look like she is in rehearsal. Her hair will be in a ponytail as musicians never have time to do their hair before rehearsals. For the musician look, she will be using my clarinet as her prop. This represents Dyer's theory of a star as an image and not a real person. This represents this because I am creating a star from a real person therefore using makeup and clothing to portray them as someone else. This goes against Mulvey's theory of male gaze theory. Jazz magazines are usually represented as predominately male and not for females in the industry.
For Kacie, her only costume will be a casual one (navy hoodie and dark jeans). I will use a similar makeup to the one I used on Indya although she won't have the smoky eyes. Her hair will be in a fishtail plait as I am trying to go for the grungy musician. She will be using her own saxophone as a prop and will be showcasing it off in many ways.
For Ryan, his only costume will be a smart concert look (Black buttoned up shirt and trousers). He will be stood against 2 different backgrounds and will have minimal make up on apart from powder and foundation. He will be holding my trumpet as a prop. By using both genders this shows my audience that the jazz world is for both genders and not just male specific.
We will have a photo shoot in college from 6pm til 8pm on Tuesday 18th October 2016. I will be doing on this date because we have 2 backgrounds in particular which I would like to use and it will be the only opportunity I will get to do so.
My DPS story will be about Indya and a new set of albums which she is bringing out in the next year. It will feature some background on the album as well as some feedback from the recording studio and much more.
I will adhere to the language and register of Jazz (famous Jazz musicians etc) and also images. I will make it more entertaining for people aged 16 - 21 and I will do this by adhering to the codes above. I will break the code of a male only industry.
A wrong turn at the shoot
At the photo shoot I had a bit of a panic regarding costumes and models.
First of all one of my friends was going to lend me a black button up shirt for one of my models. I found out the morning of the shoot that he had forgotten it on the way. I was then trying to find a new male model with a black shirt as my original male model didn't show up when he was supposed to. The new male model I found said he couldn't do it so I had to find someone else.
At the photo shoot someone else's model had everything apart from a black shirt. He had a white one so i could use that. The photographer of the model I was borrowing said I could use the model but then my first model turned up with the black shirt my friend was going to lend me. It all turned out in the end and was a successful shoot.
First of all one of my friends was going to lend me a black button up shirt for one of my models. I found out the morning of the shoot that he had forgotten it on the way. I was then trying to find a new male model with a black shirt as my original male model didn't show up when he was supposed to. The new male model I found said he couldn't do it so I had to find someone else.
At the photo shoot someone else's model had everything apart from a black shirt. He had a white one so i could use that. The photographer of the model I was borrowing said I could use the model but then my first model turned up with the black shirt my friend was going to lend me. It all turned out in the end and was a successful shoot.
Monday, 17 October 2016
Research 1 - DPS
- I would like to use a similar synergy to the one above
- i like the text wrapping hat is used and will use that in my own DPS
- I don't like the fact that you can't see the writing over the target
Research Contents 3 - Brass Band Magazine
For my 3rd contents page I have chosen is an issue of Brass Band Magazine.
Language and Register
This contents page uses a selection of typical bras band music. This includes "Contests" and also "Ranking". These are colloquial words used in the world of brass banding. This in a way is also formal language because there is no "slang" used. This indicates that it is aimed at an older audience.
The layout of the contents page is very formal and neat. There are a lot of gaps unlike magazines such as Kerrang Magazine. This shows that is for a middle to upper class of people and a certain community. This supports McDougall's theory of the fact that audience is changing. A few years ago a brass band magazine would have been targeting the older market. Nowadays, there a more and more young people joining brass bands and therefore, interested in a magazine like this one.
In this picture two of the images are natural playing ones and two are of conductors. This sticks to conventions because there are usually a number of pictures on the contents, not just one. However i will not use this layout as I would like my images spread on the page. This attracts a younger audience because it isn't so formal. The colours that the people are wearing co-inside with the text of the contents and has synergy with the front cover.
The image and the page colours create synergy between the two. For example the clothes they are wearing. The black and red resembles the colours of the text.
Cover Story
This breaks conventions because there is usually a picture to go with the cover story. The cover story isn't really that noticeable because the writing is small so no one can see it. It doesn't stand out and catch peoples eye.
Text Wrapping
There is a lot of text wrapping used on the contents page. Text wrapping is where the text is placed around an image rather than covering it up. This is a good and I would like to use this because it shows off the image and looks professional.
Font Style and Size
Again thew contents uses serif and sans serif texts. This is a good feature because it looks professional and stands out more. The writing however, is fairly small so is not visible to the reader. This is unattractive to the audience as it won't catch their eye.
How this has influenced my creativity and planning
- I like the use of neatly set columns for the text
- The writing i neat and visible
- use of images
- use if banners
Saturday, 15 October 2016
Make up Ideas
My second idea instead of the first one is is to add a nude or pink lip stick/ balm. Performers can really wear lipstick as it would get on their instrument mouth pieces. I will use this on Kacie
For my final concert shots i am going to include a smoky eye. This means the player wants to look good on stage and it shows they are more concerned about their image than a normal rehearsal day. Also it matches the outfit. I will use this on Indya.
Thursday, 13 October 2016
Research: Contents 2
Research Contents 2 modified from KenzaHardy1
How research has informed my creativity and planning
How research has informed my creativity and planning
- I would like to use the sans serif, pushed together writing used for the masthead.
- I would not like to use the layout because it looks unprofessional.
- I will use more space in the contents instead of having a lot of white space because i will have more than one image.
Monday, 10 October 2016
Friday, 7 October 2016
No Models but problems solved
Unfortunately, I organised for two of my models to do a shoot for me yesterday. Sadly they did not bring the right clothing and had to leave early so I was not able to get the images I wanted to.
Fortunately I have managed to arrange a date that is suitable for the both of us.
Fortunately I have managed to arrange a date that is suitable for the both of us.
Links, Synergy and Brand Identity
In my magazine research 4 I am going to analyse the front cover and contents page of Acoustic magazines November 2016 issue. I will be comparing the two and saying what semiotics they have.

Looking at the masthead the colours shown are white. it stands out agains the background because it is grey. The masthead is also kerning free. This means that it has no gaps between the letters.
For the masthead this magazine uses mainly sans serif writing. The typicaL house style for Acoustic is White writing with a grey background. The masthead is in a good position because it is in the middle, top of the page and although some of the feature picture is covering it, the masthead can still be seen clearly. This is good because people can still read which magazine it is if they haven't realise from the house style. Due to the writing being in white it easily stands out against the grey background.


In this magazine it uses the same images on the front cover as he contents. For example the picture on the right is the front cover picture and is of guitars. The picture on the left is of the guitars and is from the contentspage. Also "platinum" and "one billion youtube views" is a convention of a music magazine because it is a big thing for artist to "go platinum"in the music industry.

How research has informed my creativity and planning

Looking at the masthead the colours shown are white. it stands out agains the background because it is grey. The masthead is also kerning free. This means that it has no gaps between the letters.
For the masthead this magazine uses mainly sans serif writing. The typicaL house style for Acoustic is White writing with a grey background. The masthead is in a good position because it is in the middle, top of the page and although some of the feature picture is covering it, the masthead can still be seen clearly. This is good because people can still read which magazine it is if they haven't realise from the house style. Due to the writing being in white it easily stands out against the grey background.
The main image is of a very famous artist called Passenger. The images are part of the representation because they first of all have an acoustic guitar which relates well with the magazine name and also they reflect on the artist himself. The way he is dressed suggests that his style is more relaxed and casual than a lot of genres and this is a representation used in this genre. This particular artist wouldn't perform in a suit and tie like either classical or Jazz for a concert. In the contents page you'll notice that the image of passenger is different from the one on the front cover. This is good because it shows different perspectives of the artist. This supports Dyer's theory of a star is an image. This means that celebrities are created to represent a certain theme and not the person they really are. In this image Passenger is dressed in smart/casual clothes and the way he is posing suggests that he is an insensitive, strong man. This can been seen as a stereo type for men as men are seen to be the strong and tough ones out of the two genders. In the contents page, a similar representation is copied. He is still represented as strong and tough. Also there is synergy between the pages because the same colour scheme and text is used.

The fonts that are used on the front cover are mainly serif however the use of sans serif is for the masthead. There is no kerning between the masthead letters. The font is an easy to read font and also the colours make it easy to see. This is because White, red and grey go well together. This applies to both contents and front cover.

Feature/ Cover stories
In this addition of Acoustic magazine there are one feature story and many cover stories. This magazine is aimed at an audience of 16 - 40 year olds. I know this because the contents page and front cover are not cluttered with a lot of text or images. Also the magazine is much more prsentable due to the type of genre.
Codes and conventions
In this magazine it uses the same images on the front cover as he contents. For example the picture on the right is the front cover picture and is of guitars. The picture on the left is of the guitars and is from the contentspage. Also "platinum" and "one billion youtube views" is a convention of a music magazine because it is a big thing for artist to "go platinum"in the music industry.

How research has informed my creativity and planning
- I would like to use the no kerning, pushed together writing used for the masthead.
- I would also like to use the image under the masthead idea. I think it looks very professional\
- I will use more space on the front cover instead of having a lot of white space like Acoustic Magazine has.
Wednesday, 5 October 2016
Research: Front cover 4
The masthead uses white colours. This shows a clean colour. This is a house style of Pianist magazine because I have had a look at a few other issues and it is the same on every one. The masthead is in a good position because it is on the left hand side of the page and the masthead can still be seen clearly. Due to the writing being in white and the grey background, the large text stands out against the background and immediately catches someone’s eye.
The image is aimed at an older target audience of around 50 - 70. It is of a middle aged man sat at a piano. It isn't very eye catching because it uses dark colours so it is not easily visible. It does not appeal to a younger audience and the featured musician doesn't look very happy. Through various research, target audience want to read a magazine with an artist who looks like they are enjoying doing what they're doing. They also appeal to the audience by using a "free CD" which is in a puff. This makes the "free CD" stands out
Most of the text on the front cover is big and bold. It is easy to read because the font style is clear and due to the colour of the text being white and yellow, it is clearly visible on the grey background. The text style is mainly serif. This mean that the writing has small curves and lines at the end of each letter. The masthead and some of the text is however sans serif. This means that is hasn't got small curves and lines at the end of the letters.
Feature/ Cover stories
In this issue of Pianist magazine there is one feature story and a number of cover stories. They all link to the classical genre because they are all pianists and the target audience of this magazine is mainly the older age from 50 - 70.
Codes and conventions
This magazine cover uses conventions like "pedalling" and "posture". These are conventions to do with the instrument. The magazine breaks no conventions.
On the cover, the word "magical" is used. This is used to suggest that you get a wonderful feeling when you here the way Cole porter plays.
How research has informed my creativity and planning
- I like the use of conventions in this front cover.
- I like how it is quite busy
- I like pull quotes that are used
Monday, 3 October 2016
Research 3 - Jazzwise Front cover
For my magazine research 3 I decided to analyse this addition of Jazzwise magazine. I decided to analyse this cover because I have decided to make a Jazz magazine as my chosen genre. I am covering various things including the masthead, colours and feature and cover stories of this particular front cover.
How research has informed my creativity and planning
For the masthead this magazine uses standard black and white colours. They use white for the writing and black for the background. This is a house style of Jazzwise magazine. I know this because I have read a few other issues from Jazzwise magazine and they are all the same. The masthead is in a good position because it is in the middle, top of the page and although some of the feature picture is covering it, the masthead can still be seen clearly. Due to the writing being in white it easily stands out against the black background.
The main image is of a Jazz group. It is unknown as to the name of the group because it is not clearly stated on the magazine. The way they are dressed suggests that it is aimed towards the older audience group. There wardrobe is just a casual look which doesn't really fit the Jazz genre. usually you would see a smart wear especially for concerts. You wouldn't perform in casual wear like what they are wearing. This is braking a genre convention. This can relate to dyer's theory because Jazz is a loose genre and the people in the image are dressed more relaxed. Also they are older males which links with the genre because Jazz is seen as a more males dominated genre and for the elderly upper class. They use very informal costume and this breaks boundaries. This breaks class boundaries because Jazz is seen as a classy genre and stereotypically those of the upper class listen to it. They also appear layed back and relaxed. They used this image so the target audience can relate to them . You can tell they are trying to attract a younger target audience as a lot of the younger generation are quite lazy and relaxed.
Most of the text on the front cover is big and bold. It is easy to read because the font style is clear and due to the colour of the text being white and red, it is clearly visible on the dark background. The text style is sans serif. This mean that the writing has no small curves and lines at the end of each letter. The masthead is also sans serif but pushed together. This also makes the magazine have a more funky style to it. Also the change in "ready to ruck" works for those looking for fun; this informality appeals to a younger target audience.
Feature/ Cover stories
In this issue of Jasswise there is one feature story and six cover stories. They all link to Jazz music because they are all Jazz groups. The target audience of the magazine is mainly the older age from 25- 70.
Codes and conventions
This magazine cover uses conventions like "Miles in mind". This is a convention of Jazz because it refers to the famous Jazz Trumpeter, Miles Davies.
How research has informed my creativity and planning
- I would like to use the sans serif, pushed together writing used for the masthead.
- I would also like to use the image under the masthead idea. I think it looks very professional\
- I will use more space on the front cover instead of having a lot of white space like Acoustic Magazine has.
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