Monday, 17 October 2016

Research Contents 3 - Brass Band Magazine

For my 3rd contents page I have chosen is an issue of Brass Band Magazine.

Language and Register

This contents page uses a selection of typical bras band music. This includes "Contests" and also "Ranking". These are colloquial words used in the world of brass banding. This in a way is also formal language because there is no "slang" used. This indicates that it is aimed at an older audience.


The layout of the contents page is very formal and neat. There are a lot of gaps unlike magazines such as Kerrang Magazine. This shows that is for a middle to upper class of people and a certain community. This supports McDougall's theory of the fact that audience is changing. A few years ago a brass band magazine would have been targeting the older market. Nowadays, there a more and more young people joining brass bands and therefore, interested in a magazine like this one.


In this picture two of the images are natural playing ones and two are of conductors. This sticks to conventions because there are usually a number of pictures on the contents, not just one. However i will not use this layout as I would like my images spread on the page. This attracts a younger audience because it isn't so formal. The colours that the people are wearing co-inside with the text of the contents and has synergy with the front cover.


The image and the page colours create synergy between the two. For example the clothes they are wearing. The black and red resembles the colours of the text.

Cover Story

This breaks conventions because there is usually a picture to go with the cover story. The cover story isn't really that noticeable because the writing is small so no one can see it. It doesn't stand out and catch peoples eye.

Text Wrapping

There is a lot of text wrapping used on the contents page. Text wrapping is where the text is placed around an image rather than covering it up. This is a good and I would like to use this because it shows off the image and looks professional.

Font Style and Size

Again thew contents uses serif and sans serif texts. This is a good feature because it looks professional and stands out more. The writing however, is fairly small so is not visible to the reader. This is unattractive to the audience as it won't catch their eye.

How this has influenced my creativity and planning

  • I like the use of neatly set columns for the text
  • The writing i neat and visible
  • use of images 
  • use if banners

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