Monday, 31 October 2016

Planning: Star Image

For my DPS and front cover my feature star will be Indya Magrath with her clarinet.

I will use this mage for my front cover. I will use this because it is all about capturing a younger audience and if they see a girl the same age as them having fun then they are more likely to get engaged with the magazine. Also more females will get involved because Jazz has always seemed more male dominated.

I decided to use this photo on my contents page as it shows a more serious side. It is an image that stands out and will capture peoples eyes. It also goes against a stereo typical Jazz player. They are seen as scruffy, haven't got a care in the world men but as time has progressed I feel this image shows that it is no all males and that it is a smart genre of music.

The look I am trying to achieve is a modern look that re-presents the change in time with regards to the role of men. I am also trying to get the point across that Jazz is a flexible genre that appeals to everyone.

People will think that Indya is an upper class, rich girl who is into Jazz. Also that she is serious about music and that she has fun doing it. They will also think that she is smart.

I will use studio based photos with different backgrounds and take shots of a jazz band during rehearsal.

 The images will attract a target audience of 16- 21. This is because I am using a young model. Younger people will look at her and think that they can do what she does. Also she will stand out on the background.

This shows that Dyers theory "stars are just an image created" is true. I have created an image for my star which has synergy with the genre and magazine. Star don't have a say as it is there managers/ stylists that decide what they where to fit the type of genre they are trying to create.

For my front cover I am going to use one photo of my picture star that uses the space of the entire page. My star will be wearing a white button up shirt, smart black trousers and nude heels. I will take a side shot of her laughing and looking over her shoulder, holding the clarinet.

For my contents page I will use several images. I will use one of the North Lincolnshire Music Centre Jazz band in rehearsal, one of all three instruments and one of each of my stars. My stars will be in either casual or smart clothing appropriate for the genre.

Finally my DPS will include one full length image of my feature star and maybe one more of her at a mid length shot.

1 comment:

  1. There is a huge amount of white space in this post. Please sort out presentation as you are working in level 3 and presentation detracts from the quality of your work.
